The manual is great. Informative but why must all apps use Facebook? I dislike Facebook and would rate this app higher if it did not include this nuisance. Please developers do not incorporate Facebook! Thank you.
The manual is great. Informative but why must all apps use Facebook? I dislike Facebook and would rate this app higher if it did not include this nuisance. Please developers do not incorporate Facebook! Thank you.
As up
I fooled my $1 away, shall you?
Hello, I bought this app and was wondering when will it be updates to ISO 10!! If your going to update then I want a refund and I buy someone elses product!!
This app is okay Ill say worth a buck. But theres a cache you should only get the app if your a first time user. You dont need it if you had your iPhone for awhile, not smart. I did learn one or two things from this and I thank you. Good job.
Ive had my iPhone for a while and I found new things with this app I didnt know.
I learned a few things
It helps a lot thank you so much
Unfortunately, you cant click the top right button when in a call to lock your screen. It will hang up on the other person.
Ive learned something from it. Thanks!
I learned several tips on how to use my iPhone more effectively. I had a question about an app, shot off an email & received a response with suggestions very quickly. Worth the money!
I am a tech savvy person. I bought an iPhone 4 in June and it is my first iPhone, but Ive used friends iPhones before. Thus, I was surprised that about 38 of the first 40 (out of over 100) were news to me. The developer also seems to keep updating it so Im excited to keep up with new revelations!
I love this app! It has helped me sooo much and Abdul is quick to respond to emails... even for silly questions. The app is thorough, full of helpful info, and has improved my iPhone experience. Ive never spent such a large amount of $$$ for a product with no hard copy user manual to assist in using its complicated features (complicated for those who dont have the time or experience needed to make it manageable). Thanks, Abdul!!
I was excited about this app. It has a lot info that is useful for people who barely know technology. I on the other hand knew how to do all of the "secrets" ....... Its not exactly secrets. Its basic things that the iPhone can do. Not worth $0.99
I grabbed the updated iOS4 secrets when it was on sale for free, opened it and immediately learned a few helpful new tricks that I will definitely use. I thought I knew all the iPhone tricks I needed. Secrets for iPhone proved me wrong. 4.4 update - I read through the new stuff and still learned good new tips. Thanks.
I recomend this app because its just a simple hundred-something long list of things tht are handy to have, like making it say the percent of battery in the top right corner, how to change songs without leaving the lock screen, prevent it from switching to landscape when lying down, and so on. A lot of the tips dont apply to most people, but there are still alot that are helpful. I highly recomend this app
Very helpful. This should be issued to every new iPhone user.
I found this app very didactic, interesting, and well done. Certainly a must to supplement iPhones user guide!
For 2years I have been looking for battery percentage on normal iPhone .and I only get one pay game a year .I shouldnt of got this and I dont get money back.
When my husband and I first got our iPhones, I read him all these tips while on a road trip. Some of these were obvious and most of these could be found elsewhere, but who has the time to go searching? It was helpful and I still refer back to it. When I needed help trying to figure out a function, I contacted the designers and they emailed me back with suggestions. I am amazed at how few functions people use on their iPhone. It is a great tool and can do so much! This app will start you on your way to getting more from your iPhone.