Tons of useful and true info! Highly recommended to any and all. Try it out, maybe you will learn something you didnt know about your phone!
Tons of useful and true info! Highly recommended to any and all. Try it out, maybe you will learn something you didnt know about your phone!
I dont know about this one. I mean, I feel like I wasted my money on this app (and other ones) when I found out about the Ultimate Device Guide. -_____-
This app taught me some cool tips/tricks I didnt know before or that werent as intuitive as most features. Its a great app to have if you just purchased your iPhone and want to quickly learn key features. I was having trouble with the previous version and emailed the support/dev team and they quickly responded and released a new version to fix the issue - that is AWESOME customer service!
If you are intrigued with iphone already, this app will show you shortcuts and capabilities you never knew existed. I am really impressed, got just what I expected, thanks
Too good really helps you out
Learned a lot, Well worth the 99 cents! Youll learn lots. Some of these things were not intuitive, and I didnt learn them from the Apple manual.
Well worth getting. Info is easy to understand; instructions are short & to the point. Thanks. I also got a quick response to the feedback I sent.
please write it in Spanish
This app just list stupid stuff that the average iPhone user would already know or doesnt need to know- didnt benefit me one bit- I didnt find one piece of useful info in it...
The app is garbage,useless the only thing thats good for is to waste one buck
Its a ripoff & a waste of money If we saw all reviews we would not have been duped Anyone with an iota of knowledge could figure out themselves any of the tips
Why do you charge. This is shameful. A monkey would eventually figure this out given enough time. You got me on this one. Thought you actually new something I didnt. Sorry app.
THANKS!!! Now i know all the secrets for iphone!
Its just beautiful! Seemed so pedestrian before but now it mirrors just how brilliant the iPhone is. I learned a few things and am now more enamored w my 4s. Thanks.
I cannot delete players who do not play. They are taking up space. I sent a message but to no avail.
This is a must have!!!!
Beyond my expectations - highly recommend it.
You must have it!! You wont know what your phone can do without it. Thanks!!!
This is a definite need to own app-great book-Diamond
Very useful.